80', exposition - 16 artistes, années 80
from 26th april to 22th june 2013
16 artists share the walls of the gallery, tracing different movements of the 80's, from free figuration to abstraction and support surface.
Coming from different horizons (Poland, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland and of course France) these artists are, for the most part, from the new School of Nice.
Some names: PINCEMIN, Noël DOLLA, Olivier DEBRE, CHUBAC, Gustav BOLIN, Edward BARAN, Denis CASTELLAS, Gérard THUPINIER, Gérard SERRĖ, Patrick LANNEAU, Vivien ISNARD, DEMOZAY, Jacques BIBONNE ...
Original works, lithographs and serigraphs are on sale.
80', exposition - 16 artistes, années 80
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from 26th april to 22th june 2013
16 artists share the walls of the gallery, tracing different movements of the 80's, from free figuration to abstraction and support surface.
Coming from different horizons (Poland, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland and of course France) these artists are, for the most part, from the new School of Nice.
Some names: PINCEMIN, Noël DOLLA, Olivier DEBRE, CHUBAC, Gustav BOLIN, Edward BARAN, Denis CASTELLAS, Gérard THUPINIER, Gérard SERRĖ, Patrick LANNEAU, Vivien ISNARD, DEMOZAY, Jacques BIBONNE ...
Original works, lithographs and serigraphs are on sale.