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Carla Cacianti
from Tuesday, July 2 to Saturday, September 21, 2024
Exposition de Dessins XIX - XXème
April 12 to June 22, 2024
Encres sur papier
Elisabeth Bard
from october 13, 2023 to january 6, 2024
la Bellezza silenziosa
Antonella Monzoni 
From Tuesday, July 4 to Saturday, September 23, 2023
Dessins, collages, peintures et sculpture
Kiki Tonnerre
From April 14 to June 24, 2023
20 ans de la galerie Circa

From Friday 10 February to Saturday 8 April 2023

Peintures sur toiles ou papiers
Ulrike KLEES

Exhibition from october the 7th to 2023 january the 7 th

Valentin Desjardins & Eva Ramfel

Exhibition from July 5 to September 24, 2022

Exposition 70-80 (collectif)

From April 22 to June 25, 2022.

YAUME - Peintures à l’huile

From February 18 to April 16, 2022

Marlène Raymaekers

From Friday October 15 to Saturday January 15, 2022

Different shades of white
Misia O’

From July 6 to September 25, 2021

Kiki Tonnerre
Julie Conan / Gabriel Pollet

from April 9 to June 19, 2021

Dessins et gravures
René Mels

from October 2 to April 3, 2021

Different shades of yellow

From june the 30th until september the 5th

Marie-Chloé Pujol-Mohatta

From February 14 to June 20, 2020 - Photo exhibition from June 30

Exposition Huiles sur toile
Olivier Robin

from October 4, 2019 to January 11, 2020

Different shades of black

from July 2 to September 21, 2019

Andrzej Brych

from friday 26 april to saturday 22 june 2019

Exposition 70
Exposition collective

From February 15th to April 20th, 2019

Marc Nucera

From October 12 to January 12 2019

Fabienne Yvert

From July 3 to September 15, 2018

Séries noires
Jean-Blaise Picheral

from friday the 13th april to saturday june the 23rd 2018

L'Art en liberté
Accrochage particulier

from friday the 16th february to saturday april the 7th 2018

Charles Pierre-Humbert

From Friday 6 October 2017 to Saturday 13th January 2018

Déclencheurs de désirs
Benoît Luisière

From Tuesday 4 July to Saturday 23 September 2017

Emma Godebska

from april friday the 7th to june the 24 th 2017

autour de l'Afrique

From december the 9th to april the 1st 2017


From october the 7th to november the 26th 2016.

Beneath / Beyond
Mireille Loup

From Tuesday the 5th of July to Saturday the 24th of September

Georges DRUMEZ

From april the 15th to june the 25th 2016

lithographies, sérigraphies, gravures 1970
Kijno, Marfaing, Stempfel...

From Friday 19th February to April 9th 2016

Adami, Aillaud, Arroyo...

From Friday 27th of November to Saturday 16th of  January 2016

Huiles sur toiles et aquarelles sur la Pro...

From 2nd October to 21 November 2015

Stephen Williams

From July 7 to September 19, 2015

Huiles sur toiles de 1950 à 1988

from Friday, April 10 to Saturday, June 27, 2015

XXXIX états de siège
Jean Martial ESTEVE

From Friday, February 20 to Saturday, April 4, 2015

Peintures et encres de chine
Ludovic Isidore

From Friday, October 10 to Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sill Mahé de la Bourdonnais

from July the 8 th to September the 20 th 2014

Collectif d'artistes

From February 10 to June 14, 2014

Exposition collective
Ecole de Nice

From 29th november to 18th january 2014

Un Américain en Provence
William Welch

from 5th october to 16th november 2013

Brigitte Bauer
Three of us - Photographie

on 2nd july to 21st september 2013

80', exposition
16 artistes, années 80

from 26th april to 22th june 2013

70', exposition
17 artistes, années 70

from 1st mars to 30th april 2013

Anne France Frère

from 30th november to 31st december 2012

Huiles sur toiles
André Leocat

on 5th october to 17 november 2012

Antonella Monzoni

from Tuesday the 3rd of July  to the 15th of September 2012

Oeuvres sur papier cuve
Art tribal du Mithila

from friday may 4th to june 21st 2012

Huiles sur toiles
Mauro Chessa

from friday march 30th to april 28th 2012

Forces en puissance
Thibault Franc

from friday january 27th to march 24th 2012

Acrylique sur papier

from Friday 14 october to 3 december 2011

MEM [ Photographies ]
Mireille Loup

from July 6th to September 11st 2011

Jordi Cuxart

from Tuesday, July 5 to September 17, 2011

XXXVI chants d'ailes
Jean-Martial Estève

from Friday 18 february to 31 april 2011

Jean-Blaise Picheral

from october 8th to december 31st 2010

Acrylique sur toile

from 9 april au 12 june 2010

Techniques mixtes
Edward Baran

from 2 october to 5 december 2009

Grosse - Vidéo
Mireille Loup

from 7 july to 12 september 2009

Photographies - Homenaje al negro
Jordi Cuxart

from 7 july to 12 september 2009

Ateliers Buffile
Paul Coupille

from 17 April to 27 June 2009

Thibault Franc

from 30 January to 31 March 2009

Les eaux noires - Photographie
Virginie Blanchard

from 8 July to 6 September 2008

Chris Voisard

from 26 September to 29 November 2008

Charles PierreHumbert

from 9 November to 12 January 2008

Laurette Heim

from 3 July to 2 September 2007

Sculptures en papier
Franck Petit

Permanent exhibition