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Déclencheurs de désirs - Benoît Luisière

From Tuesday 4 July to Saturday 23 September 2017

Opening: Thursday July 6 at 7 pm

Benoît Luisière takes photos of commonplaces, he finds there, the subject of his creation. He questions our popular culture of the occidental society and collects poor signs of our economy, leisure times or surroundings.

His photography is like « spiced sweets » he says.

Déclencheurs de désirs - Benoît Luisière
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From Tuesday 4 July to Saturday 23 September 2017

Opening: Thursday July 6 at 7 pm

Benoît Luisière takes photos of commonplaces, he finds there, the subject of his creation. He questions our popular culture of the occidental society and collects poor signs of our economy, leisure times or surroundings.

His photography is like « spiced sweets » he says.