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Dessins - Georges DRUMEZ

From april the 15th to june the 25th 2016

Opening on Friday april the 15th at 7.00pm

First show of Georges Drumez: through his drawings, his trace, the gestuality is present in all his free writings.
.. Graphism, naked line, research of line, movement, simple ligne, rhythm, wrinting, print, impression, sign, work with the left hand to be surprised, instant moment, lose reality, sense, asking questions.
Soulages, Cy Twombly

Dessins - Georges DRUMEZ
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From april the 15th to june the 25th 2016

Opening on Friday april the 15th at 7.00pm

First show of Georges Drumez: through his drawings, his trace, the gestuality is present in all his free writings.
.. Graphism, naked line, research of line, movement, simple ligne, rhythm, wrinting, print, impression, sign, work with the left hand to be surprised, instant moment, lose reality, sense, asking questions.
Soulages, Cy Twombly