Different shades of black - Misia-O’
from July 2 to September 21, 2019
opening: Thursday, July 4 at 7 p.m.
Black is formed of primary colours - red, yellow, blue - and a myriad of hues in between, creating the most gorgeous skin shades.
My work is partly an anthropological attempt to study these multiple layers of Black in nature, in an effort to deliver a more accurate
understanding of 'colours ", capturing the many subtleties of our very humanity. "
#creativityforhumanity @misiaophotography
Different shades of black - Misia-O’
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from July 2 to September 21, 2019
opening: Thursday, July 4 at 7 p.m.
Black is formed of primary colours - red, yellow, blue - and a myriad of hues in between, creating the most gorgeous skin shades.
My work is partly an anthropological attempt to study these multiple layers of Black in nature, in an effort to deliver a more accurate
understanding of 'colours ", capturing the many subtleties of our very humanity. "
#creativityforhumanity @misiaophotography