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Peintures - Marlène Raymaekers

From Friday October 15 to Saturday January 15, 2022

Opening Friday October 15, 7 pm

Originally from Belgium, Marlène Raymaekers first studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp

Fine Arts Academy in Antwerp and then at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris, where she was taught by Olivier Debré.

From abstract to figurative, through expressionism, Marlene is freely inspired by her travels, including 4 years in Japan.

Her pictorial touch expresses a great sensitivity.

Peintures - Marlène Raymaekers
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From Friday October 15 to Saturday January 15, 2022

Opening Friday October 15, 7 pm

Peintures - Marlène Raymaekers

Peintures - Marlène Raymaekers

Peintures - Marlène Raymaekers

Originally from Belgium, Marlène Raymaekers first studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp

Fine Arts Academy in Antwerp and then at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris, where she was taught by Olivier Debré.

From abstract to figurative, through expressionism, Marlene is freely inspired by her travels, including 4 years in Japan.

Her pictorial touch expresses a great sensitivity.